HRC Episode 111

Healthy RC Living Episode 111

Airing on the September edition of HEALTHY RC LIVING – Rancho Cucamonga is coming together to paint a mural for the city.

Then find out what National Night Out is.

Healthy RC has been working to include Vaping and E-cigarettes into the city’s no public smoking policy.

And don’t forget to visit the Terra Vista Farmer’s Market every Saturday for locally grown produce.

Sustainability is a major priority for Rancho Cucamonga and the city approaches this through the environment, economy, and public health and equity.

Plus the local Alzheimer’s Association brings awareness to this most common form of dimension.

And the Brain Balance Achievement Center and the RC IncredABLES are both working with people who have special needs.

Healthy RC Living airs all month long, 3 times a day at 8am in the morning, 3pm in the afternoon and 7pm in the evening on Channel 3 except for Wednesdays. You can also watch all  episodes online at or check out our new blog