Healthy RC Living Episode 103
Airing on the January edition of HEALTHY RC LIVING – We experience the HRC 2017 Celebration.
And join us for the Open Streets RC day.
The Healthy RC Youth Leaders welcomed 15 new students onto the team.
Plus if your’re looking to get in shape, Orange Theory Fitness is now located in Rancho Cucamonga.
We honor SGT Joshua R. Ashley, alongside his family, who served in the Marines and lost his life in 2012 while fighting for our country.
And Haven City Market is the new dinning and shopping hot spot.
Then a brand new soccer facility is being built in the Epicenter Sports Complex.
Healthy RC Living airs all month long, 3 times a day at 8am in the morning, 3pm in the afternoon and 7pm in the evening on Channel 3 except for Wednesdays.