Healthy RC Living Episode 86
Airing on the August edition of HEALTHY RC LIVING – The youth is staying active by learning about fire safety from the Jersey Fire Station.
The Grow Healthy Together Workshop is focusing on the health of seniors and children in the community.
And the Rancho Cucamonga Quakes team up with Healthy RC for Recycle Tuesday.
The Veggie Connection is a network event focused on wellness and informing people about healthy food options.
And watermelon was the focus of the 2016 Chef Showdown.
Finally Annika Kim’s work as a Healthy RC Youth Leader has positively impacted her peers and the community.
Healthy RC Living airs all month long, 3 times a day at 8am in the morning, 3pm in the afternoon and 7pm in the evening on Channel 3 except for Wednesdays.